Our Services
Recognizing that every public entity is unique, PIRMA provides a wide range of
valuable services to ensure your organization gets the individualized attention you need.
We support you in your risk management efforts every step of the way, so you don’t have to worry.
View below the many services PIRMA provides:

Free Legal Access Program
Whether your entity needs advice on an aspect of your governmental operations or general municipal law, PIRMA’s Legal Access Program can offer some guidance. Members are eligible for up to 120 minutes of free legal consultation annually on a wide range of matters including employment issues, wage and hour questions, zoning and land use matters, law enforcement civil liability issues, open records and open meetings laws, public works liability issues, contract review and recommendations, governmental immunities and much more. For more information, call: (855) 607-4762.
Through the PIRMA Resource eLibrary, members have exclusive access to hundreds of online training courses, streaming videos, webinars, and sample policies and procedures to assist with any risk management or loss control need. The following is just a sample of what is available:
Public Entity University (PEU) is a portal that provides documentable, specialized training courses on topics including Employment Liability, Streets and Roads, Internet Security/Social Media, Fire and Health Departments, Law Enforcement and General Safety
There are 19 online Water/Wastewater Continuing Education (CE) courses available that have been approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection for CE credits
Human Resources Database includes current state and federal employment laws, customizable forms, policies, and procedures, an employee handbook generator, a job description builder, and guides covering complex topics such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), background checks and drug and alcohol policies

Risk Control On-Site Surveys
Members can request on-site visits from PIRMA’s credentialed risk management professionals. The on-site survey identifies and recommends specific actions that members can take to reduce risk. Resources to help in risk reduction are also provided.

Risk Control Special Requests
In addition to on-site surveys, the risk control team is available to assist PIRMA members with special requests, including risk management consultations, special event recommendations, claims analysis and risk prevention recommendations, playground design and safety inspections, and much more.

PIRMA members have peace of mind knowing that their property is properly valued and adjusted for inflation and other building cost variables. Members can contact the risk management team to request a property valuation.

Policy Review & Training
The risk management team is available to assist members with policy reviews and provide sample policies, best practices and checklists. The team is also available to conduct training on a number of topics, including sexual harassment prevention and safe driving techniques.

Safety Committee Trainings
PIRMA’s risk management team can assist you in establishing new workplace safety committees and provide the annual training required for certifications.

Third Thursday Webinars
PIRMA hosts a Third Thursday educational webinar each month on a wide range of topics that directly affect the membership, such as the latest in law enforcement policies and procedures, cyber security threats and the post-pandemic employment landscape.
An interactive Q&A segment follows each session.

Regional Educational Workshops
PIRMA offers half-day, regional educational workshops throughout the Commonwealth. These workshops include updates on PIRMA and presentations from our experienced Defense Counsel Team on hot topics like municipal employment strategies, Pennsylvania Sunshine Laws, zoning issues, and municipal use of social media.
Members that attend receive a 5% policy credit on their annual premium.

Policy Credits for Police Training
​When members utilize services such as Power DMS, LLRMI, and Lexipol, PIRMA policy credits are available. The credits are used to reduce a member's Law Enforcement Liability premium. Accredited departments are eligible for even more credits.